Relational Idolatry
This is something I heard, that honestly I never really thought of take it with a grain of salt.
When you see someone that you OVERLY admire, you tend to find traits in that person that you wish you had. Therefore, you are going to latch on to them because you may think that you are inadequate in an area that they are strong in. Eventually, you will rely on this person for your identity. This goes easily unnoticed. Eventually your worth is only established if this person likes you or shows affections to you. The minute that sways your identity is lost and you don't emotionally know how to function. This is called relational Idolatry.
-You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on earth or in the waters below. (exodus 20:4)
We must not secretly Wish we were someone else, as if God made a mistake. This is to charge God with Error. As we get our eyes off others (envy) and off of our failures (despising ourselves) and put our eyes on Jesus and His grace, then we will love who God made us to be. :) I know not everyone struggles with this, but Identity is so important to the Lord. He wants us to be rooted only in Him, He doesn't make mistakes. You are fearfully and wonderfully made :) He really does like you.
Wow! Thats intense. I love all the things you are learning, thank you so much for sharing them love bug. <3